
Maybe we are so accustomed to familiar jargon, we don’t recognize symptoms if they are described in other ways.

I was having some symptoms. I have been doing well for a long time and they frightened me. I was hearing my voice (not a hallucination) but it was repeating the same words over and over. Nothing scary, more like I was rehearsing lines.

I was also starting to mumble the words I was saying. I found that listening to music was good because I started saying the song lyrics and that was better.

I would try to explain this to friends, hoping they would sympathize, and maybe give me some tips to deal with it. Instead they would say things like, “Oh, I’ve done that before” and shrug it off like it was no big deal or “Maybe you are talking to yourself because you are lonely”.

Instead of helping I ended up frustrated, leaving wanting to bang my head against a wall. It was hard. I knew they were trying to be helpful and maybe normalize my experience, but I found it invalidating.

And the more anxious I would get, the worse the symptoms would get, the more anxious I would get and it snowballed. My psychiatrist seemed to understand what I meant and made some changes to my medication. Now, it is getting better and I am getting calmer and it gets better and the snowball melts.

Recently I saw another friend. I told her I hadn’t been doing well, some thoughts. She said “racing thoughts?” I thought, that is the closest thing to what I am trying to describe, so I said “yes”. Finally I found a friend who could somewhat understand.


My name is Lori. I am a wife and mother. My children are teenagers. I work as a peer mentor and volunteer for NAMI. I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type

One thought on “Jargon

  1. Valerie Identicon Valerie

    I have songs that race and repeat, and even the counselor said “oh, there’s nothing wrong with that, people get ear worms. Nothing to worry about.” I know what an earworm I’d, and this is not an earworm. Its not even necessarily a song, but a repetitive three or four notes. This sometimes goes on for hours at a time. Racing tunes? Lol

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