What I Retweet

In addition to tweeting blogs news, and medical journals, I also retweet the following:

  • Observations about life with bipolar disorder
  • Observations about stigma
  • Calls for help by people in episode
  • Civil responses to my tweets that don’t fall into any of the categories listed below
  • Slogans that speak to life with bipolar
  • Topical pictures, cartoons and photographs
  • Information about pertinent legislation
  • Promotions for pertinent books, movies, and websites
  • Invitations to chat about bipolar disorder
  • Tweets about the functioning of the brain
  • Questions about bipolar disorder
  • Tweets about related conditon such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and depression

I do not retweet the following

  • Personal attacks
  • Partisan political remarks
  • Proselytizing
  • Tweets promoting the use of drugs including medical marijuana
  • Tweets promoting alternative treatments that are unproven in legitimate clinical trials
  • Tweets promoting stigma
  • Pictures, cartoons or photos that have nothing to do with bipolar disorder

If you wish to call my attention to your tweet, include the tag @Bipolar_Blogs in the tweet, preferably at the end.