Check out The Nuclear Energy Debate among Friends: Another Round, in the July 2009 Friends Journal. The online version includes footnotes and links.
This a response to the responses to an earlier article, A Friend’s Path to Nuclear Power . Some of the comments left here were also published in Friends Journal.
“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly;
I don’t know why
she swallowed the fly… … ….
There was an old lady who swallowed a cow;
I don’t know how
she swallowed the cow”
but everyone with a cow for sale
affirmed that eating cows was perfectly safe
and necessary
for eating the dogs
and cats
and mice
and spiders
required by any person who just had to
go on eating flies!
“There was an old lady who swallowed a horse;
she died, of course.”
As with any controversial topic, there has been a fair amount of hysteria proulgated. I think it is finally a time when we can all look at the alternatives rationally. Perhaps few of us are really excited about nuclear energy per se, but really need to examine it in the light of the alternatives.
I’ve heard from a couple of people who intend to use the two articles in reading group discussions. If you go this route, could you report back how the sessions go?
Nate thanks for your comment. Forest, I totally agree that if we continue eating fossil fuels, the results will be scary.
Thank you, Karen Street! Your two articles in FJ have brought together the many facets of the controversy about the risks and benefits of Nuclear Power. I appreciate your clear explanations of the technical and ethical bases you used to work out your conclusions. (I worked for 30+ years as an engineer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory working on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy (nuclear fuel cycle R&D, R&D of waste forms, isotope preparations, etc.) and greatly appreciate the seeking that lead to your two articles.)
I have retired to Foulkeways in Pennsylvania and am looking into having a program on this topic for our Current Issues Committee in the Spring. I would appreciate your establishing contact with me. Thanks.