The Committee of the Environment of Berkeley Friends Meeting invites you to come to two follow up Q/A sessions to the series on climate change we had in the spring of 2007.
Child care, hospitality and snacks before the sessions will be provided. Sessions are from 1 to 3 PM, 2151 Vine St. on the corner of Walnut Street in Berkeley
Earlier presentations posted here.
September 16
The Science of Climate Change and Individual Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions will focus on the science of climate change and what we can do to decrease our own greenhouse emissions. Karen will begin with a half hour presentation on climate change, followed by Q&A and discussion.
October 7
Policy and Technology Solutions to Climate Change Karen will repeat her presentation on nuclear power. Q&A on policy and technology solutions will follow. Check out the policy/technology presentation, as this will not be repeated.
Hi Karen,
I am interestd in acomment that you posted o the real climate site, that at above a rise of 2.5oC GMST agricultural production would decrease just about everywhere. This does seem quite likely (e.g. rice yields drop by 10 for every 1oC rise in nightime temperature). I was wondering if you had a source or reference for that ?
That is an interesting website. I will be putting one up at the end of October…… You might get some useful data there once I get organised.
Best Wishes, Colin
I look forward to your site, drop a line when it’s up.
There are any number of estimates. A more optimistic estimate comes from the Stern Review, see the burning embers on page 5 of the Executive Summary, full. The food ember shows yields in many developed regions beginning to decline around 3.5 C, and the effect fully in place by 5 C. In developing regions, falling crop yields are shown beginning around 1.3 C. On the other hand, a rising intensity of storms, forest fires, drought, flooding and heat waves just begins around 1 C increase, around 2015. Yet the Eurasian heat wave of 2003 killed tens of thousands, and the dramatic increase in California large forest fires, and in the time to put them out, goes back more than a decade.
The estimate you ask about comes from John Holdren, last year’s president of American Association for the Advancement of Science. His estimates are on the pessimistic side of mainstream. You can see his talk at the China US Climate Change forum webcast — check the 3:15 time slot.
I blogged on this event, see especially May 2006.