The 2030 Challenge

From the Energy Star site:

The American Institute of Architects Board of Directors and US Conference of Majors adopted the 2030 Challenge that call for a 50 percent reduction of fossil fuel used to construct and operate buildings by the year 2010, with the target of carbon neutrality by 2030. These aggressive goals align well with the ENERGY STAR core mission to reduce energy use in commercial buildings and prevent CO2 emissions.

From the 2030 °Challenge site:

Stabilizing emissions in this [building] sector and then reversing them to acceptable levels is key to keeping global warming to approximately a degree centigrade (°C) above today’s level.

To accomplish this we are issuing the 2030 Challenge asking the global architecture and building community to adopt the following targets:

That all new buildings, developments and major renovations be designed to meet a fossil fuel energy consumption performance standard of 50% of the regional (or country) average for that building type.

That at a minimum, an equal amount of existing building area be renovated annually to use 50% of the amount of fossil fuel energy they are currently consuming (50% of the regional average through innovative design strategies, the application of renewable technologies and/or the purchase (1/5 maximum) of renewable energy).

That the fossil fuel reduction standard for all new buildings be increased to:

60% in 2010
70% in 2015
80% in 2020
90% in 2025
Carbon-neutral by 2030 (using no fossil fuel GHG emitting energy to operate).

US GHG emissions contribution from buildings is 38%; world contribution is 48%. California building sector contributes less than the transportation sector.

Heat Loss Analysis
Heat Loss Analysis

One Response to “The 2030 Challenge”

  1. I saw infrared thermography demonstrated recently, and it’s a good guide for insulating homes. Neat stuff!