Quaker Gray Goes Green

Friends Center in Philadelphia is being rebuilt with a large number of green features:

* Standing Column Well Geothermal Heating and Cooling that will help to totally eliminate fossil fuels and carbon emissions.
* Stormwater capture and reuse that will reduce stormwater outflow by 288,000 gallons per year, and eliminate potable water consumption 90% by using storm water for flushing toilets.
* Vegetated Roof to offer increased insulation value and passive cooling that will yield a 5% reduction in cooling load, handle all of the stormwater for 90% of rain events, double the effective life of the roof, and reduce urban heat island effect.
* Photovoltaic solar array that will generate 10 kWh per year and help reduce carbon emissions.
* High performance glass that will allow greater daylighting and less solar gain, reducing energy consumption for lighting and cooling.
* Recycling of construction waste.
* Use of high recycled or rapidly renewable materials and low emission paints.
* Open interior design and daylighting strategies to create healthier, more productive interior environment.
* Exhibits outdoors and indoors and educational programs for environmental responsibility strategies

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